Posted on Apr 8, 2022 in Classes, Pastor Greg, Pastor Yolanda |
Click here to download the spiritual mind treatments from Chapter One
Click here to download the “Pure Intelligence”affirmation from Chapter One
Click here to download the spiritual mind treatments from Chapter Two
Click here to download the spiritual mind treatments from Chapter Three
Click here to download the spiritual mind treatments from Chapter Four
Click here to download the “Happiness” affirmation from Chapter Four
Click here to watch the June 2014 Message Series: Aware, Awake, Alive – 30 Days of Joy!
Series Description:
Our individual desire to be happy is one of the many things that connect us. Just look at the global popularity of the song “Happy” by Pharrell Williams. The message in this song transcends language, culture, and class. Although we all resonate with the desire to be happy, most of us seem to only experience brief moments of happiness in our lives. Why does happiness seem fleeting? Why do we desire something that there appears to be so little of? The answer is that the pursuit of happiness is generally a pursuit for a temporary fix. The remedy is to allow joy. Joy is happiness without conditions. Joy is unending. Joy cannot be taken away.
For the month of June we are putting our focus on joy. Join us as we uncover what joy is and how to live in joy no matter what we are experiencing in life.
Click here to download the spiritual mind treatments from Chapter 5
“The only way someone can drive you crazy is if you give them the keys.” – Pastor Yolanda
In this message, Pastor Yolanda teaches on the power of love through the practice of forgiveness as taught in A Course In Miracles. If you’re ready to take back your keys and get back in the driver’s seat of your life, watch this message.
Click here to download the spiritual mind treatments from Chapter 6
Pastor Greg takes us back to the roots of the New Thought Movement and challenges us to not only study but live the principles.
Click here to download the spiritual mind treatments from Chapter 7

July 2015
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum is probably the greatest spiritual allegory written in the 20th Century. The beloved and timeless children’s story that follows Dorothy’s journey from Kansas to Oz and back home again, is filled with messages to help us navigate the journey of discovering our own divinity. The yellow brick road is the symbolic path of this journey. Pastor Greg uncovers the symbolic meaning of this classic story so that each of us can find our way to the life we’ve always dreamed of just over the rainbow.
Posted on Apr 29, 2020 in Classes, Pastor Greg, Pastor Yolanda |
Purchase The Book!
by Eric Butterworth
As we move through this global pandemic, in addition to the day to day stresses of life, WE MUST remain diligent in our daily spiritual practice.
Click Here to download “Practice The Practice” a helpful guide from PG & PY that will support you in starting, clarifying, expanding, or shifting your daily spiritual practice. Remember, daily spiritual practice is not an option.
Posted on Mar 25, 2020 in Pastor Greg |
“Storms will come. And all storms are temporary.” – Pastor Greg
As a global family we are experiencing the effects of COVID-19 in a myriad of different ways.
This storm is temporary.
Use this time to anchor yourself with your daily spiritual practice and the teachings of our pastors.
Remember, you’ve trained for this!
Series Description:
Our ancestors had a “fight or flight” mechanism hard wired to their brains that allowed them to survive harsh circumstances. In modern times we’ve come to believe that this is “healthy fear”. What if that is not the Truth? Fear is an illusion that holds no meaningful value for our lives. Join us this month as we explore what walking without fear looks like.
Series Description:
A well-known scripture says “Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind. As truth students and metaphysicians, we know that all growth, change, and transformation begins with the mind.
The first fifty lessons in A Course In Miracles are designed to our challenge our belief systems. Even for the advanced student, these lessons have a unique way of jolting us back to reality and removing blocks to the eternal presence of Love. This year marks the 50th Anniversary of the initial writing of The Course and 40 years since it was first published.
As Spring is quickly approaching and the Earth is made new, we will use the first fifty lessons in The Course as our inspiration this month to be transformed renew our minds.
Series Description:
“Considered in the broadest sense, prosperity is “spiritual well-being.” This involves the whole experience of healing life, satisfying love, abiding peace and harmony as well as a sufficiency of what Aristotle called the “furniture of fortune.” – Eric Butterworth, Spiritual Economics
Spiritual well-being is something that we all desire and yet many times it feels fleeting or elusive. If prosperity is our birthright, why aren’t more people living the good life?
In New Thought centers and metaphysical communities we affirm “I am prosperous” and “I am open to receive” while lack and limitation run rampant in our lives. What’s going on here?
Merely reciting words or using the latest tool from your favorite spiritual teacher is meaningless without a consciousness of the universal laws behind these practices. This consciousness is the basis of Spiritual Economics by Eric Butterworth. He teaches that in order to experience complete prosperity, a change in our habitual pattern of thought is required. This month we will take responsibility for our lives and use this classic text to learn and embody the laws that govern spiritual well-being.
If you are sick and tired of being sick and tired and ready for miraculous change, this series is for you!
Series Description:
Joel Goldsmith writes “There is a ‘Peace be still’ within our own consciousness which will heal every storm in our experience, heal our diseases, [and] lift us up above the strife of human existence.”
We’ve heard over and over again that this peace can only be found “within” but how do we access it? How do we become intimate with it and how does this peace allow us to manifest the lives we truly desire?
Released in 1947, “The Infinite Way” by Joel Goldsmith gave birth to a movement as study groups began to form in the U.S. around his teachings. Like all awakened teachers before him, Goldsmith points us back to ourselves while guiding us in creating spiritual consciousness.
This month as you read “The Infinite Way”, Pastor Greg will support you in developing an intimate relationship with the “Peace be still” within you, so that you can transcend the daily experience of life. The way is peace. The way is within you. The way is infinite.
Series Description:
Unconditional (adjective) : not limited in any way : complete and absolute
The world around us changes so fast that it can be hard to keep up. Changes in technology, governments, the economy, or even the latest pop culture news can quickly send masses of people into a tailspin. Does it have to be this way?
- Is it possible to maintain a sense of calm in the midst of chaos?
- Is it possible to be unmoved and unbothered by the latest news reports?
- Is it possible to live above the frenetic pace of life?
Master teachers and sages of all traditions have taught through their word and deed that it is possible to live unconditionally. This possibility is not reserved for the enlightened few. Join us this month as we learn what it means to live without conditions and how to activate this power everyday.
Sermon Description:
Living from all is well requires us to develop a certain spiritual worldview. In this message Pastor Greg invites us to become like the eye of a hurricane; calm and still while the winds are raging.
Sermon Description:
What blocks our Well-Being? Reacting to people and events in our lives. In this message, Pastor Greg guides us in healing our triggers and living life from the top.
Sermon Description:
With all of the turmoil, upheaval, and uncertainty in our world Pastor Greg reminds us that we have been adequately equipped for this time.